Al-Rabathah -5-

Al-Rabathah is a desert between Macca and Madena. It is a barren land. No one inhabits it. But in the year 30 A.H., there was only one tent. In the tent there were an old man, an old woman, and their daughter.

Why did the old man inhabit that distant area in the middle of the desert?

He did not inhabit it of his on accord- the Caliph banished him to die there.

The old man was ill. And his wife was always in tears. So, he said to her: Dharr's mother, why do you weep?

The old woman said: Why don't I weep and you're dying in this desert?

The old man said: One day my friends and I were sitting with Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h). And he said to us:

One of you will die in the desert. And a group of believers will attend his death.

All my friends passed away in their houses. And no one has remained but I. A person will come to your aid.

The old woman said: The time of Hajj (Pilgrimage) is over and no one has passed through this desert

The old man said: Don't worry! Go up the hill and look at the road of caravans.

The old woman went up the hill and looked.

A long time passed, in the distance, the old woman saw a caravan coming towards her.

The old woman waved a piece of cloth. The riders wondered and asked each other about that lonely old woman in the desert.

They approached and asked about her condition. She said: My husband is dying. And no one is beside him. And who's your husband?

While the old woman was weeping, she said: Abu-Dharr the Companion of Allah's Apostle!

The owners of the caravan were surprised. So, they said: Abu-Dharr! The Prophet's Companion! Come on! Let's see him!

The men went to the tent. When they came into it, they saw Abu-Dharr sleeping in his bed. They said: Assalamu Alaik, Companion of Allah's Apostle!

Wa Alaikum al-Salam, who are you?

One of them said: Malik bin al-Haarth al-Ashtar and there are some men with me from Iraq. We're going to Madena to tell the Caliph about the persecution we suffer from.

Abu-Dharr said: My brothers, be cheerful! Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) has told me that I'll die in the desert and that some believers attend my death.

Malik and his friends rejoiced at that Prophetic good news. They sat down in Abu-Dharr's tent. Malik al-Ashtar took a pity on him. And he was sad to hear that the Umayyads mistreated the great Companion, Abu-Dharr.


Malik bin al-Haarth al-Nakhay belonged to an old Yemeni tribe. He became a Moslem in the time of the Prophet (p.b.u.h). He was loyal to his Islam.

He took part and fought bravely in the Battle of Yarmook. He had brave attitudes in stopping the Romans' attacks against the Moslem Army. So, his eye was split with sword, namely, its lower lid was split. Thus, he was called al-Ashtar.

In 30 A.H., the Moslems in Kufa and other Moslem cities were angry with their rulers' behaviour. For example, al-Waleed bin Akabah, Caliph Uthman's brother, the ruler of Kufa, behaved contrary to Islam and religion - he drank alcohol and spent his time in amusements.

One day, al-Waleed entered mosque drunk. He did four Rikaas during the morning prayers. Then he turned to the worshipers and said sarcastically: Shall I increase my prayers?

People were displeased with his behaviour. They criticized him in markets, houses and mosques.

People asked each other: Has not the Caliph found a good ruler to replace this bad one?

He drank alcohol openly

He violated the teachings of the religion and the Moslems' rights.

So, people thought about a way to solve the problem. Finally, they decided to ask the advice of the good people. So, they went to Malik al-Ashtar. Malik al-Ashtar said to them: First we'd better advise him. Then well tell the Caliph about his bad behaviour.

Malik and some good people went to the ruler's palace. When they got into the palace, they saw him drinking as usual. They advised him to behave well. But he scolded and dismissed them.

So, they decided to go to al-Madena al-Monawwara to meet the Caliph and to tell him about the problem.

The delegation met the Caliph and told him about his ruler's bad behaviour. It was unfortunate that he scolded and dismissed them. Besides, he refused to hear their complaints. So, they became disappointed.

They thought about going to Ali bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's cousin, because he was the only hope to reform the situation.

The Delegation

In the meantime, all people all over the Moslem cities complained of the rulers' bad behaviour.

The Companions went to Imam All's house. They told him about the rulers' persecution and corruption.

Imam Ali (a.s) was sad to hear that. So, he went to the Caliph's palace. He met Uthman and advised him: Uthman, the Moslems are complaining of the ruler's persecution. And you know that very well. I've heard Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) saying:

On the Day of Judgment, the unjust Imam will be brought to hell. And no one will support or excuse him. Then, he will be thrown into hell. He'll go round and round ft till he gets into its intense heat

Uthman thought for a while. He bent his head sadly. He H admitted his mistakes. And he promised that he would ask Allah for repentance and that he would apologize to the Moslems.

Imam Ali (a.s) went out to give the Moslems good news. They were all happy.

But Marwan, the hypocrite, said to the Caliph: You'd better threaten the people so as no one would dare to say bad words against the Caliph.

The Revolution

Uthman broke his promise. He did not behave well and did not change the rulers. In the meantime, he used strict policy against people. Maawyyah, the ruler of Sham, advised the Caliph to banish some Companions from the land.

So, the Caliph banished Abu-Dharr, the great Companion, to al-Rabathah Desert where he died alone. He hit the Companion Ammar bin Yasir, the son of the first two martyrs in Islam.

The Caliph whipped the Companion Abdullah bin Masoud, too. So, people grumbled about Uthman's and his rulers' policy.

Our Master Muhammad's Companions sent many letters to all Moslem cities. The letters read as follows:

Moslems; come to us. And save the Caliphate. Allah's Book has been changed. And the Prophet's Sunnah (Jaws) has been changed. So, come to us if you believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment.

The Moslem streamed into al-Madena al-Monawwara from everywhere. Malik al-Ashtar represented the revolutionaries. So, he held a meeting with Uthman to reform the affairs of the Moslem State.

The revolutionaries asked Uthman to leave power. But the Caliph refused that. Imam Ali (a.s) tried to reform the matters. But all his efforts were in vain.

The reason was that the Moslems were displeased with Uthman's and his rulers' persecution. In the meantime, Uthman stubbornly insisted on his policy.

The revolutionaries besieged Uthman's palace. So Imam Ali (a.s) asked his two sons al-Hasan and al-Husain to guard him.

The revolutionaries climbed the walls of the palace. They broke into the Caliph's room and killed him. Marwan and other hypocrites ran away.

Talha and Zubair were ambitious to get the Caliphate. So, they helped the revolutionaries. But the people were thinking about only one person to be a Caliph. And the person was Imam Ali (a.s).

Streams of people came into Imam Ali's house. They asked him to be a Caliph. But the Imam refused.

Malik al-Ashtar and other Companions insisted on Imam Ali's Caliphate. Malik addressed the people with enthusiasm:

People, this is the Prophet's Regent

He has learnt the Prophet's knowledge.

Allah's Book has mentioned his belief. Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) has told him that he will enter al-Ridhw Garden. His personality is perfect The people in the past and present are certain of his behaviour an knowledge.

Thus Malik al-Ashtar was the first to appoint Ali bin Abu-Talib as a Caliph. Then the Moslems followed him.

When Imam Ali (a.s) became the Caliph, a new time began. He dismissed all the unjust rulers. And he appointed good persons.

The Battle of the Camel

Some people were ambitious for the Caliphate. Talha and Zubair were two of them. They went to Macca an urged Ayshah, Abu-Bakr's daughter, to revolt against Imam Ali (a.s).

Marwan took advantage of that situation. He began form a big army. He announced that he would revenge spending the Moslems' money, which he had stolen, to himself on Uthman's killers.

The army headed for Basrah. There they uprooted the ruler's beard and dismissed him. They robbed the Public Treasury.

Amirul-Momineen, Ali bin Abu-Talib, was facing that mutiny strongly. So, he advanced towards Basrah to invite its people to strive the rebels.

The ruler of Kufa was Abu-Mosa al-Ashary. He discouraged people from striving the rebels. In the meantime, he ordered people to disobey Amirul-Momineen, Ali bin Abu-Talib.

Days passed. But al-Hasan and Ammar bin Yasir did not come back. So, the Imam sent Malik al-Ashtar after them.

Malik al-Ashtar was a brave, determined man. He realized that the people of Kufa were always supporting the Imam against his enemies. And He understood that only Abu-Mosa al-Ashary obstructed them.

Malik al-Ashtar arrived in Kufa and began inviting its people to follow him. A numerous army obeyed him. So, he could attack the ruler's palace and to dismiss the guards from it

At that time, Abu-Mosa al-Ashary was in the mosque asking the people to stay in their houses and to disobey Amirul-Momineen's orders. The guards came and told him that Malik al-Ashtar occupied the palace.

Abu-Mosa al-Ashary asked Malik al-Ashtar for a day's time to leave Kufa. So, Malik accepted that. On the same day, Malik al-Ashtar hurried to the mosque to encourage the people to support Imam Ali (a.s).

So, Malik could form a big army. The army was more than eighteen thousand fighters. Al-Hasan headed nine thousand fighters. They marched by land. The others marched by river. The purpose of all was to join Imam Ali's Army at Theqar in the southern part of Iraq.

Imam Ali (a.s) headed the army and advanced towards Basrah, where he met Ayshah's Army. The leaders of the Ayshah's Army were Talha, Zubair, and Marwan bin al-Hakam.

Malik al.Ashtar was the leader of the right wing. Ammar bin Yasir was the leader of the left wing. Imam Ali (a.s) stood in the middle of the army. And Muhammad bin al. Hanafyyah, Imam Ali's son, carried the banner.

Ayshah's Army began attacking Imam Ali's Army (a.s). They showered the Imam's Army with arrows. So, some fighters were killed and others were wounded.

The Imam's Army wanted to return like for like. But the Imam stopped them and said: Who can take this Koran and go to them to appeal to it? Surely they will kill him.

A young man said: Amirul-Momineen, I'll take it.

A Moslem headed for the Army of the Camel raising the Koran. Ayshah shouted: Throw arrows at him.

So, the bowmen threw arrows at him. He fell over the ground and became a martyr.

During those moments, Amirul-Momineen raised his hands towards the sky. He prayed for Allah, the Almighty, to grant them a victory. Then he said: Allah, the eyes are gazing at you!

And the hands are extended!

Our lord, judge between our nation and us with justice! And you're the best judge!

Then the Imam ordered his fighters to launch a general attack. Mallk al-Ashtar advanced. He was fighting bravely. Violent clashes took place around the camel.

The Imam realized that killing the camel would end blood shed and that it would end the fighting between the two parties.

Malik al-Ashtar launched a violent attack towards the camel. He was fighting bravely and honestly. He did not kill the wounded. He did not chase the runaway.

Malik al-Ashtar copied Imam Ali's good behaviour. He loved the Regent of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h). The Imam loved Mallk too, for he was God-fearing. And Allah loves those who fear him.

The Victory

After violent fights, the Imam's Army could kill the camel. So, the facing army was in low spirits and its fighters began escaping from the battlefield.

The Imam ordered his fighters to stop the war operations. And he ordered them to treat Ayshah kindly and to bring her back to Madena.

The Imam released the prisoners of war. He ordered his fighters to cure the wounded. And he forgave them all.

Malik al-Ashtar and Ammar bin Yasir visited Ayshah. So, she said: Malik you were about to kill my nephew.

Malik answered: Yes. I wanted to relieve Muhammad's nation from him. But I did not kill him because I was fasting for three days. And I'm an old man.

In Kufa

After some days' stay in Basrah, the Imam headed for Kufa.

Malik al-Ashtar fought as bravely as the lion did. So, the enemies were afraid of him.

But on the normal days, he looked a poor man. He wore simple clothing. He walked humbly. Thus most people did not know him.

One day, while Malik al-Ashtar was walking in street, a foolish person was eating some dates throwing their stones about.

Malik al-Ashtar passed before the foolish person. He threw a stone at Malik. The stone hit him on the back. The foolish person began laughing at him.

A man saw the foolish person. He said to him: What are you doing? Do you know that man?

The foolish person answered: No, who is he?

He's Malik al-Ashtar!

Malik went on walking. He did not pay attention to the foolish person. He remembered how the polytheists treated our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) in Macca. They threw dust and rubbish at him but he kept silent.

Malik came into mosque. He began praying for Allah to forgive the foolish person.

The man ran quickly. He came into the mosque. He embraced Malik apologizing and saying:

I want to apologize to you for my bad behavior! So, accept my apology.

Malik answered with a smile:

Brother don't worry By Allah, I've entered mosque to pray for Allah to forgive you.

The Battle of Siffeen

The Imam chose the good persons to rule the cities. So, he appointed Malik al-Ashtar ruler over Mousal, Sinjar, Naseebeen, Heet, and Anat. They are areas on the borders of Sham.

Maawyyah disobeyed the Caliph. He became a dictator in Sham.

The Imam tried to persuade Maawyyah to obey him. So, he sent him several letters, sent some delegates to talk with him. But all the Imam's efforts were in vain.

Thus the Imam formed an army and gave its lea6ership to Malik al-Ashtar.

The army advanced towards Sham. It arrived in Kirkeesya, where it clashed with the Shamian Army headed by Abi al-Awar al-Salmy.

Malik al-Ashtar tried to persuade the leader of the army to end the mutiny and to obey Amirul-Momineen, but he refused.

At night, the Shamian Army took advantage of time and launched a surprising attack. That action was contrary to the religion and politeness because the two parties were in negotiations.

The Caliph's Army resisted the surprising attack. It killed and wounded many attackers and forced the others to withdraw to their original places.

Again Malik al-Ashtar showed his bravery. He sent a man to Abi al-Awar to invite him to duel with swords.

The man said: Abi al-Awar Malik al-A shtar is inviting you to duel him!

The leader of Maawyyah's Army became afraid and with cowardice said: I don't want to duel him!

Maawyyah headed a big army to join the Shamian Army.

The two armies met in the plain of Siffeen on the banks of the Euphrates.

Some unites of Maawyyah's Army occupied the banks and besieged the river.

That action was also contrary to the laws of Islam and the laws of war.

The Imam sent Sasaah bin Suhan, one of the Companions of the Prophet (p.b.u.h), to Maawyyah to talk with him. Sasaah came into Maawyyah's tent and said: Maawyyah, Ali says:

Let's take some water Then well decide what's between you and us, otherwise you and we will tight each other till the victor drinks.

Maawyyah kept silent and said: I'll answer you later on.

The Imam's representative went out. Maawyyah asked the advice of some men. So, al-Waleed said with spite:

Prevent them from drinking water to force them to surrender.

They agreed on this opinion.

Maawyyah gathered all the evil persons around him. They violated the laws of Islam and of Human rights.

Malik al-Ashtar was watching the military movements on the river banks. He saw military supplies. So, he realized that Maawyyah would tighten the siege.

The Imam's soldiers became thirsty. Malik became thirsty, too. So, a soldier said to him:

There's only little water in my water-skin, please drink it.

Malik refused that and said: I won't drink till all soldiers drink!

Malik went to the Imam and said: Amirul-Momineen, our soldiers are very thirsty. We've nothing but fighting.

The Imam answered: Yes.

The Imam gave the soldiers a speech and urged them to fight bravely.

Then he said: Death is that man is pleased with abasement. And life is that man dies and becomes a martyr.

Malik led the first attack at the Battle of Siffeen. And he began fighting bravely. So, he advanced towards the banks of the Euphrates.

After violent clashes, Malik could recapture the river banks and force Maawyyah's Army to withdraw.

Maawyyah's Army became far from water. So, it thought about a trick to recapture its places on the River Euphrates.

On- the following day, an arrow fell among the Imam's soldiers. There was a letter tied to the arrow. The soldiers read the letter carefully. They passed on the news quickly to each other. The news was:

From a loyal brother in the Shamian Army Maawyyah is going to open the river to drown you. So, be careful!

The soldiers believed the news and withdrew. So, the Shamian Army took advantage of the situation and recaptured the river banks.

But the Imam's Army launched a general attack and dismissed the Shamian Army from the region.

Maawyyah was so worried that he asked Amru bin al-Ass: Do you think that Ali will prevent us from drinking water?

Amru bin Al-Ass answered: Ali doesn't do as you do!

The Shamian soldiers were worried, too. Immediately, the soldiers heard that Imam Ali (a.s) allowed them to come to the river to drink water.

Some people from Sham realized the difference between Maawyyah and Ali. Maawyyah did every evil action for victory. But Ali did not think about that at all. He conformed to the human, good, ideal behaviour.

Thus, the soldiers of the Shamian Army left Maawyyah's front secretly at night They joined Ali's front because it was always representing truth and humanity.


Maawyyah was displeased with Malik al-Ashtar, for his bravery made All's Army fight with enthusiasm. In the meantime it dismayed the Shamian soldiers.

So, Maawyyah decide to kill Malik through a face-to- face duel with swords. He ordered Marwan to duel with him. But Marwan was afraid of Malik. Thus he apologized to Maawyyah and said: Let bin al-Ass duel him because he's your right arm.

Then Maawyyah ordered Amru bin al-Ass to duel Malik. He reluctantly agreed to Maawyyah's plan.

Ibin al-Ass invited Malik to duel him. Malik advanced towards him holding his spear. He hit him violently on the face. So, Amru bin al-Ass escaped with alarm.

Ammar's Martyrdom

The clashes became intense. Ammar was leading the left wing of the Imam's Army. He, though an old man, was fighting bravely.

When the sun was about to set, Ammar, may Allah be pleased with him, requested some food to break the fast.

A soldier brought him a cup full of yoghurt. Ammar became cheerful and said: Tonigh, I may be martyred because Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) has said to me: Ammai the unjust group will kill you, and your final drink in the world will be a cup of yoghurt.

The Companion broke the fast and advanced towards the battlefield. He fought bravely. Then he fell over the ground and became a martyr.

The Imam came and sat near Arnmar's head and said sadly:

May Allah have mercy on Ammar on the day when he became ~a Moslem, may Allah have mercy on Ammar on the day when he became a martyr may Allah have mercy on Ammar on the day when he will be raised from the dead! Ammar enjoy your garden!

Ammar's martyrdom in the battlefield affected the course of the fights very much. The Imam's Army was in high spirits. In the mean time, Maawyyah's Army was in low spirits.

All Moslems memorized the tradition our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said to Ammar bin Yasir. The tradition is as follows:

Ammar the unjust group will kill you.

All understood that Maawyyah and his soldiers were wrong and that Au and his companions were right.

Thus the Imam's Army attacked Maawyyah's increasingly. Therefore, Maawyyah and his army getting ready to escape.

A New Trick

Maawyyah thought about a new trick to cheat the Imam's Army. So, he asked the advice of Amru bin al-Ass. Amru bin al-Ass said:

I'm sure we can. Cheat them with the Qoran.

Maawyyah rejoiced at the trick and ordered his soldiers to raise the Qoran on their spears.

When the Imam's soldiers saw the Qoran, they thought about stopping the baffle. Thus Maawyyah cheated many soldiers.

The Imam said: It's a trick! I was the first to invite them to Allah's Book. And I was the first to believe in it They've disobeyed Allah and broken His promise.

But twenty thousand soldiers disobeyed the Imam's order and said: Stop fighting and order al-Ashtar to withdraw!

The Imam sent a soldier to al-Ashtar to stop fighting.

But Malik al-Ashtar went on fighting. Then he said: Well get the final victory within few moments.

The soldier said: But twenty thousand rebels are besieging the Imam. If you go on fighting, they'll kill him.

Malik al-Ashtar was forced to withdraw. So, he said: There's neither might nor power but with Allah.

The Arbitration

Malik al-Ashtar knew that Maawyyah's action was only a trick. But he obeyed the Imam's order so as no disaster would happen. He was a brave leader and an obedient soldier.

The fights stopped. And the two parties agreed to the arbitration according to Allah's Book.

Maawyyah sent Amru bin al-Ass to represent him in the negotiations. And the Imam wanted to choose an alert, wise man. The man had a good knowledge of Allah's Book. So, he chose Abdullah bin Abbas, the religious scholar of the nation.

But the rebels refused him and said: Well choose Abu-Mosa al-Ashary.

So, the Imam advised them and said: I disagree with you on him. And Abdullah is better than he.

Again the rebels refused him. So, the Imam said: I'll choose al-Ashtar

They refused him too. They insisted on Abu-Mosa al-Ashary.

To avoid happening a disaster, the Imam said: Do whatever you like!

Thus the two representatives met to talk. Amru bin alAss thought about a way to deceive al-Ashary. He said to him:

Abu-Mosa, Maawyyah and Ali have caused all these troubles. So, lets dispose them and elect another man.

Abu-Mosa àl-Ashary did not like Amirul-Momineen Ali bin Abu-Talib. So, he agreed to the plan. He said before the people:

I'm removing Ali from the Caliphate as I'm removing my ring from my finger. Then he removed his ring.

But Amru bin al-Ass said spitefully: I'm fixing Maawyyah to the Caliphate as I'm fixing my ring to my finger Then he wore his ring.

The rebels repented of their wrongdoing. But they insisted on disobeying the Imam. In the meantime, they asked him to turn to Allah in repentance and to announce war again.

But the Imam respected the promise and the covenant.

He agreed with Maawyyah on the truce and stopping the baffle for a year.

The Imam asked his fighters to be patient for the year. But they disobeyed him, too. So, they were called the Kharijties.


Maawyyah thought a bout away to control Egypt. 1So, he sent a big army to occupy it.

The ruler of Egypt was Muhammad bin Abu-Bakr (the first Caliph). He asked Imam Ali (a.s) to sendi him, urgent military supplies to prevent the invaders from occupying Egypt.

So, the Imam said to Malik al-Ashtar: Malik, may Allah have mercy on you, go to Egypt I've absolute trust in you. Rely on Allah!

Use gentleness in its places and intensity in its place.

Malik al-Ashtar set out for Egypt.

The Poison and the Honey

Maawyyah was worried about Malik's going to Egypt for he knew that Malik would save it. So, Maawyyah thought about a way to kill him.

Maawyyah used to mix honey with poison to kill his enemies. Maawyyah imported poisons from Rome. The Romans allowed, Maawyyah to import them because they knew that he would use them to kill the Moslems.

Amru bin al-Ass said:

I know a man. The man lives in al-Qilzim City on the borders of Egypt He has vast lands. Certainly Malik al-Ashtar will pass through the city and stop in it to rest.

Maawyyah said: Let's send a man to tell him to kill al-Ashtar and we won't tax him for life.

Thus Maawyyah's delegate quickly set out for Egypt taking the poisoned honey to persuade the man to kill Malik al-Ashtar.


The man agreed to Maawyyah's plan. He took the poisoned honey. He was looking - forward to Malik's arrival.

After only a few days, Malik arrived in al-Qilzim City. The man invited the new ruler of Egypt to a launch in his house. Malik al-Ashtar accepted the invitation thankfully.

The man put the cup of the poisoned honey on the table. The guest took one spoon of the poisoned honey. He felt a severe pain in his stomach. He realized the plot. So, he put his hand on his belly and said:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. * We belong to Allah, and well come back to Him!

Malik al-Ashtar received death with the bravery of the certain believer, who knew that his way was Islam and the Paradise.

When Malik al-Ashtar became a martyr, Maawyyah was about to fly because of' happiness. So, he said:

Ali bin Abu-Talib had two hands.

I cut off one of them on the day of Siffeen. It was Ammar bin Yasir.

And today I've cut off the other hand. If is Malik al-Ashtar.

But Amirul-Momineen was deeply sad. So, he expressed his sorrow: May Allah have mercy on Malik! He loved and obeyed me as I loved and obeyed Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h).

In this way, Malik al-Ashtar ended his life full of Jihad. His bright behavior will remain as a model for the Moslem young men everywhere!